All Types of Lab Tests on Bricks for Building Construction Works - civilengineer friend


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Saturday 7 November 2020

All Types of Lab Tests on Bricks for Building Construction Works

 All Types of Lab Tests on Bricks for Building Construction Works

Tests on Bricks

To know the quality of bricks following 7 tests can be performed. In these tests some are performed in laboratory and the rest are on field.

      Compressive strength test

      Water Absorption test

      Efflorescence test

      Hardness test

      Size, Shape and Colour  test

      Soundness test

      Structure test


Compressive strength test: This test is done to know the compressive strength of brick. It is also called crushing strength of brick. Generally 5 specimens of bricks are taken to laboratory for testing and tested one by one. In this test a brick specimen is put on crushing machine and applied pressure till it breaks. The ultimate pressure at which brick is crushed is taken into account. All five brick specimens are tested one by one and average result is taken as brick’s compressive/crushing strength.Crushing strength of bricks is determined by placing brick in compression testing machine. After placing the brick in compression testing machine, apply load on it until brick breaks. Note down the value of failure load and find out the crushing strength value of brick. Minimum crushing strength of brick is 3.50N/mm2.if it is less than 3.50 N/mm2, then it is not useful for construction purpose.

compressive strength test on bricks


Water Absorption test: In this test bricks are weighed in dry condition and let them immersed in fresh water for 24 hours. After 24 hours of immersion those are taken out from water and wipe out with cloth. Then brick is weighed in wet condition. The difference between weights is the water absorbed by brick. The percentage of water absorption is then calculated.The less water absorbed by brick the greater its quality. Good quality brickdoesn’t absorb more than 20% water of its own weight.

absorption test on bricks
Absorption test is conducted on brick to find out the amount of moisture content absorbed by brick under extreme conditions. In this test, sample dry bricks are taken and weighed. After weighing these bricks are placed in water with full immersing for a period of 24 hours. Then weigh the wet brick and note down its value. The difference between dry and wet brick weights will give the amount of water absorption. For a good quality brick the amount of water absorption should not exceed 20% of weight of dry brick.


Efflorescence test: The presence of alkalies in bricks is harmful and they form a grey or white layer on brick surface by absorbing moisture. To find out the presence of alkalis in bricks this test is performed. In this test a brick is immersed in fresh water for 24 hours and then it’s taken out from water and allowed to dry in shade.If the whitish layer is not visible on surface it proofs that absence of alkalis in brick. If the whitish layer visible about 10% of brick surface then the presence of alkalis is in acceptable range. If that is about 50% of surface then it is moderate. If the alkalies’ presence is over 50% then the brick is severely affected by alkalies.A good quality brick should not contain any soluble salts in it. If soluble salts are there, then it will cause efflorescence on brick surfaces.To know the presence of soluble salts in a brick, placed it in a water bath for 24 hours and dry it in shade. After drying, observe the brick surface thoroughly. If there is any white or grey color deposits, then it contains soluble salts and not useful for construction.

Efflorescence test


Hardness test: In this test a scratch is made on brick surface with a hard thing. If that doesn’t left any impression on brick then that is good quality brick.A good brick should resist scratches against sharp things. So, for this test a sharp tool or finger nail is used to make scratch on brick. If there is no scratch impression on brick then it is said to be hard brick.

Hardness test

Hardness test


Size, shape and colour test: In this test randomly collected 20 bricks are staked along lengthwise, width wise and height wise and then those are measured to know the variation of sizes as per standard. Bricks are closely viewed to check if its edges are sharp and straight and uniform in shape. A good quality brick should have bright and uniform colour throughout.Shape and size of bricks are very important consideration. All bricks used for construction should be of same size. The shape of bricks should be purely rectangular with sharp edges. Standard brick size consists length x breadth x height as 19cm x 9cm x 9cm.To perform this test, select 20 bricks randomly from brick group and stack them along its length , breadth and height and compare. So, if all bricks similar size then they are qualified for construction work.A good brick should possess bright and uniform color throughout its body.

Shape and Size Test on Bricks


Soundness test: In this test two bricks are held by both hands and struck with one another. If the bricks give clear metallic ringing sound and don’t break then those are good quality bricks.Soundness test of bricks shows the nature of bricks against sudden impact. In this test, 2 bricks are chosen randomly and struck with one another. Then sound produced should be clear bell ringing sound and brick should not break. Then it is said to be good brick.

soundness test of bricks


Structure test: In this test a brick is broken or a broken brick is collected and closely observed. If there are any flows, cracks or holes present on that broken face then that isn’t good quality brick.To know the structure of brick, pick one brick randomly from the group and break it. Observe the inner portion of brick clearly. It should be free from lumps and homogeneous.

Read more:

Classification of Bricks as per common practice and as per constituent materials 

Hand moulding,ground moulding and machine moulding of bricks

Manufacturing of bricks

Constituents of good and Harmful Ingredients in Brick

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