Highway Engineering objective question and answer - civilengineer friend


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Sunday, 19 December 2021

Highway Engineering objective question and answer

Highway Engineering objective question and answer Question No. 301 Parapet walls along hill roads, are provided  (A) To retain the back filling  (B) To prevent the hill from sliding  (C) To prevent the wheels of the vehicle from coming on the retaining wall  (D) None of these  Answer: Option C  Question No. 302 An ideal vertical curve is (A) True spiral  (B) Cubic spiral  (C) Cubic parabola  (D) None of these  Answer: Option D  Question No. 303 For calculating the tractive force along an upgrade of an asphalt road, the most probable value of  the co-efficient of traction resistance is assumed  (A) 1/10  (B) 1/20  (C) 1/30  (D) 1/100  Answer: Option D  Question No. 304 If the ruling gradient on any highway is 3%, the gradient provided on the curve of 300 metre  radius, is  (A) 2.00 %  (B) 2.25 %  (C) 2.50 %  (D) 2.75 %  Answer: Option D  Question No. 305 If P is the number of vehicles per day at last census, r is the increase in traffic and n is the number  of years passed after last census, number of vehicles A per day for design, is  (A) P (1 + r)n (B) P (1 - r)n (C) P (1 + r)-n+5 (D) P (1 + r)5n Answer: Option C  Question No. 306 The period of long term plan for the development of roads in India, known as Bombay Plan (Aug.  1958), is  (A) 5 years  (B) 10 years  (C) 15 years  (D) 20 years  Answer: Option D  Question No. 307 California Bearing Ratio method of designing flexible pavements is more accurate as it involves  (A) Characteristics of soils (B) Traffic intensities  (C) Character of the road making materials  (D) None of these  Answer: Option C  Question No. 308 The absolute minimum radius of horizontal curve for a design speed 60 kmph is  (A) 131 m  (B) 210 m  (C) 360 m  (D) None of these  Answer: Option D  Question No. 309 If V is the design speed of vehicles in km/hour, the change of radial acceleration in metres/sec3 , is  (A) 65/(70 + V)  (B) 60/(70 + V)  (C) 70/(65 + V)  (D) 70/(60 + V)  Answer: Option C  Question No. 310 If the number of lanes on the carriageway of a road is more than two, the total width of lane ways  is equal to 3.0 m  (A) + 0.60 m  (B) + 0.70 m  (C) + 0.90 m  (D) + 1.50 m  Answer: Option B  Question No. 311 The convexity provided to the carriageway between the crown and edge of the pavement, is  known as  (A) Super-elevation  (B) Camber  (C) Height of the pavement  (D) None of these  Answer: Option B  Question No. 312 If N is the algebraic difference of grades, S is the minimum sight distance in metres, the length (L)  of a summit curve is  (A) NS/4  (B) NS²/4  (C) N²S/4 (D) (NS)²/4  Answer: Option B  Question No. 313 If the elevations along a road increase, the slope of the road along the longitudinal direction, is  known as  (A) Gradient  (B) Grade  (C) Positive grade  (D) Negative grade  Answer: Option A  Question No. 314 Cement grouted pavement is classified as  (A) Rigid pavement  (B) Semi-rigid pavement  (C) Flexible pavement  (D) None of these  Answer: Option B  Question No. 315 Non-passing sight distance along a road is the longest distance at which the driver of a moving  vehicle, may see an obstacle on the pavement  (A) 10 cm high  (B) 25 cm high  (C) 50 cm high  (D) 100 cm high  Answer: Option A  Question No. 316 The perpendicular offset from the tan-get to the central point of the circular curve, is  (A) R sin θ/2 (B) R cos θ/2 (C) R (1 - cos θ/2) (D) R (1 - sin θ/2) Answer: Option C  Question No. 317 The width of pavement in addition to a gravelled berm 1 m on either side for a two directional  traffic recommended by Nagpur Conference of Chief Engineers, is  (A) 4.7 m  (B) 5.7 m  (C) 6.7 m  (D) 7.7 m  Answer: Option C Question No. 318 Minimum stopping distance for moving vehicles on road with a design speed of 80 km/hour, is  (A) 80 m  (B) 100 m  (C) 120 m  (D) 150 m  Answer: Option C  Question No. 319 The top height of a route marker above crown level is  (A) 1.50 m  (B) 1.75 m  (C) 2.00 m  (D) 2.25 m  Answer: Option D  Question No. 320 Along horizontal curves, if centrifugal force exceeds lateral friction, vehicles may  (A) Skid  (B) Slip  (C) Not be affected  (D) None of these  Answer: Option A  Question No. 321 Pick up the incorrect statement from the following. The super-elevation on roads is  (A) Directly proportional to width of pavement  (B) Directly proportional to velocity of vehicles  (C) Inversely proportional to acceleration due to gravity  (D) Inversely proportional to the radius of curvature  Answer: Option B  Question No. 322 For clear distinct vision, images of obstructions should fall on the retina with a cone of  (A) 2°  (B) 3°  (C) 4°  (D) 5°  Answer: Option D  Question No. 323 The basic formula for determination of pavement thickness was first suggested by  (A) Spangler  (B) Picket  (C) Kelly (D) Goldbeck  Answer: Option D  Question No. 324 If metres is the distance between extreme axles of a vehicle, its gross load should not exceed  (A) 1525 (L + 4.3) - 14.7 L2 (B) 1526 (L + 5.3) - 14.7 L2 (C) 1525 (L + 6.3) - 14.7 L2 (D) 1525 (L + 7.3) - 14.7 L2 Answer: Option D  Question No. 325 If x% is the gradient of an alignment and y% is the gradient after proper super-elevation along a  curved portion of a highway, the differential grade along the curve, is  (A) (x + y) %  (B) (x - y) %  (C) (y - x) %  (D) (y + x) %  Answer: Option C  Question No. 326 If At  is the area of steel cross-section, t is working stress, L is width of road and W is weight of slab  per square metre, the spacing of the tie bars for a longitudinal joint, is  (A) (100 At  × t)/WL (B) 100 At/tWL (C) (100 WAt  × t)/tL (D) 100 WL/At t Answer: Option D  Question No. 327 The shape of a vertical curve, is  (A) Parabolic  (B) Elliptical  (C) Circular  (D) Spiral  Answer: Option A  Question No. 328 If L is the length of the transition curves provided on either side of a circular curve of radius R, the  maximum angle of deflection with tangent for the junctions of the transition curve and circular  curve, is  (A) L/R (B) L/2R (C) L/3R (D) None of these Answer: Option D  Question No. 329 The inventor of road making as a building science, was  (A) Sully  (B) Tresguet  (C) Telford  (D) Macadam  Answer: Option A  Question No. 330 The desirable camber for straight roads with water bound macadam or gravel surface, is  (A) 1 in 33 to 1 in 25  (B) 1 in 40 to 1 in 33  (C) 1 in 150 to 1 in 140  (D) 1 in 160 to 1 in 140  Answer: Option B  Question No. 331 The pavement width of a road depends upon  (A) Terrain  (B) Type of traffic  (C) Number of lanes  (D) All the above  Answer: Option C  Question No. 332 At a road junction, 16 cross conflict points are severe, if  (A) Both are one-way roads  (B) Both are two-way roads  (C) One is two-way road and other is one-way road  (D) None of these  Answer: Option B  Question No. 333 Road makers along roads from the edge of a kerb should not be less than  (A) 40 cm  (B) 45 cm  (C) 50 cm  (D) 60 cm  Answer: Option D  Question No. 334 In India the modes of transportation, in the order of their importance, are  (A) Air transport, shipping, roads, railways (B) Shipping, roads, railways, air transport  (C) Roads, railways, air transport, shipping  (D) Railways, roads, shipping, air transport  Answer: Option D  Question No. 335 The absolute minimum sight distance required for stopping a vehicle moving with a speed of 80  kmph, is  (A) 120 m  (B) 200 m  (C) 640 m  (D) None of these  Answer: Option A  Question No. 336 The usual width of side drains along Highways in hilly region, is  (A) 50 cm  (B) 60 cm  (C) 70 cm  (D) 100 cm  Answer: Option B  Question No. 337 Design of highways is based on  (A) Axle loads  (B) Axle spacings  (C) Wheel bases  (D) All the above  Answer: Option D  Question No. 338 The width of the right of way in urban area, is kept between 24 m to 60 m for  (A) National Highways  (B) State Highways  (C) Both (a) and (b)  (D) None of these  Answer: Option D  Question No. 339 Thickness of broken centre line markings for a four lane road, is generally kept  (A) 10 cm  (B) 12 cm  (C) 15 cm  (D) 18 cm  Answer: Option C Question No. 340 On the recommendations of Nagpur Conference, the minimum width of a village road may be  (A) 2.45 m  (B) 2.75 m  (C) 3.66 m  (D) 4.90 m  Answer: Option A  Question No. 341 If N is deviation angle the length L of a parabolic vertical curve for overtaking sight distance S, is  (A) NS²/9.6 if L > S (B) NS²/9.6 if L < S (C) 2S - 9.6/N if L < S (D) Both (A) and (C)  Answer: Option D  Question No. 342 Maximum super-elevation on hill roads should not exceed  (A) 5 %  (B) 7 %  (C) 8 %  (D) 10 %  Answer: Option D  Question No. 343 If R is the radius of a main curve and L is the length of the transition curve, the shift of the curve, is  (A) L/24 R (B) L2 /24 R (C) L3 /24 R (D) L4 /24 R Answer: Option B  Question No. 344 The length of the side of warning sign boards of roads is  (A) 30 cm  (B) 40 cm  (C) 45 cm  (D) 50 cm  Answer: Option C  Question No. 345 Minimum permissible speed on high speed roads, is decided on the basis of  (A) 15 percentile cumulative frequency  (B) 20 percentile cumulative frequency  (C) 30 percentile cumulative frequency (D) 40 percentile cumulative frequency  Answer: Option A  Question No. 346 For the administration of road transport, a Motor Vehicle Act was enacted in  (A) 1927  (B) 1934  (C) 1939  (D) 1947  Answer: Option C  Question No. 347 For maximum strength and durability minimum percentage of cement, by weight is  (A) 15 %  (B) 20 %  (C) 25 %  (D) 30 %  Answer: Option D  Question No. 348 Stability of hill slopes depends upon  (A) Nature of the slope  (B) Angle of the slope  (C) Geological conditions  (D) All the above  Answer: Option D  Question No. 349 The correct formula for calculating super-elevation for the hill roads, is  (A) e = V²/254 R (B) e = V²/225 R (C) e = V²/278 R (D) e = V²/114 R Answer: Option B  Question No. 350 Curves in the same direction separated by short tangents, are called  (A) Simple circular curves  (B) Compound curves  (C) Transition curves  (D) Broken-back curves  Answer: Option D  Question No. 351 The minimum width of the pavement of a National Highway should be (A) 4.7 m  (B) 5.7 m  (C) 6.7 m  (D) 7.7 m  Answer: Option B  Question No. 352 On most smooth hard surfaced roads, rolling resistance to moving vehicles, ranges from  (A) 5 kg to 7 kg/tonne  (B) 7 kg to 9 kg/tonne  (C) 9 kg to 11 kg/tonne  (D) 11 kg to 13 kg/tonne  Answer: Option C  Question No. 353 Minimum radius of a simple circular curve deflecting through 5°, is  (A) 1618.9 m  (B) 1816.9 m  (C) 1718.9 m  (D) 1817.9 m  Answer: Option C  Question No. 354 Depth of reinforcement below the surface of a concrete pavement, is generally kept  (A) 5 cm  (B) 6 cm  (C) 7 m  (D) 9 m  Answer: Option A  Question No. 355 Degree of a road curve is defined as the angle in degrees subtended at the centre by an arc of  (A) 10 metres  (B) 20 metres  (C) 25 metres  (D) 30 metres  Answer: Option B  Question No. 356 Thickness of broken line markings on multi-lane road for lanes is generally kept  (A) 10 cm  (B) 12 cm  (C) 15 cm  (D) 18 cm  Answer: Option A Question No. 357 If V is the velocity in kmph, t the stopping distance S of the vehicle, is  (A) 0.28V²t + V/0.01  (B) 0.28Vt + V²/0.1  (C) 0.28Vt + 0.01  (D) 0.28Vt + 0.01 V²/ Answer: Option C  Question No. 358 If present A.D.T. is 5000 vehicles and annual increase is 10%, the average future flow after 5 years  will be  (A) 6050 vehicles  (B) 7050 vehicles  (C) 8050 vehicles  (D) 9050 vehicles  Answer: Option C  Question No. 359 Pick up the correct statement from the following:  (A) Detailed survey is carried out for a strip of land about 30 m at sharp curves  (B) Levels are taken along the trace cut at an interval of 20 m  (C) Contour interval is generally adopted at 2 metres vertical interval  (D) All the above  Answer: Option D  Question No. 360 The maximum radial distance of a Lemniscate curve, having maximum polar angle a, is  (A) 3 R (B) 3 R sin2 (C) 3 R (D) 3 R Answer: Option C  Question No. 361 The minimum cross fall of shoulders is kept  (A) 0.5 %  (B) 1.0 %  (C) 1.5 %  (D) 3 %  Answer: Option D  Question No. 362 The ratio of maximum deviation angle and maximum polar deflection angle of a Lemniscate curve,  is (A) 2  (B) 3  (C) 4  (D) 5  Answer: Option B  Question No. 363 Roadway width for a National highways and State highways (two-lanes) is  (A) 12 m  (B) 9 m  (C) 9.5 m  (D) 15 m  Answer: Option A

Highway Engineering objective question and answer
Question No. 301
Parapet walls along hill roads, are provided 
(A) To retain the back filling 
(B) To prevent the hill from sliding 
(C) To prevent the wheels of the vehicle from coming on the retaining wall 
(D) None of these 
Answer: Option C 
Question No. 302
An ideal vertical curve is
(A) True spiral 
(B) Cubic spiral 
(C) Cubic parabola 
(D) None of these 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 303
For calculating the tractive force along an upgrade of an asphalt road, the most probable value of 
the co-efficient of traction resistance is assumed 
(A) 1/10 
(B) 1/20 
(C) 1/30 
(D) 1/100 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 304
If the ruling gradient on any highway is 3%, the gradient provided on the curve of 300 metre 
radius, is 
(A) 2.00 % 
(B) 2.25 % 
(C) 2.50 % 
(D) 2.75 % 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 305
If P is the number of vehicles per day at last census, r is the increase in traffic and n is the number 
of years passed after last census, number of vehicles A per day for design, is 
(A) P (1 + r)n
(B) P (1 - r)n
(C) P (1 + r)-n+5
(D) P (1 + r)5n Answer: Option C 
Question No. 306
The period of long term plan for the development of roads in India, known as Bombay Plan (Aug. 
1958), is 
(A) 5 years 
(B) 10 years 
(C) 15 years 
(D) 20 years 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 307
California Bearing Ratio method of designing flexible pavements is more accurate as it involves 
(A) Characteristics of soils
(B) Traffic intensities 
(C) Character of the road making materials 
(D) None of these 
Answer: Option C 
Question No. 308
The absolute minimum radius of horizontal curve for a design speed 60 kmph is 
(A) 131 m 
(B) 210 m 
(C) 360 m 
(D) None of these 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 309
If V is the design speed of vehicles in km/hour, the change of radial acceleration in metres/sec3
, is 
(A) 65/(70 + V) 
(B) 60/(70 + V) 
(C) 70/(65 + V) 
(D) 70/(60 + V) 
Answer: Option C 
Question No. 310
If the number of lanes on the carriageway of a road is more than two, the total width of lane ways 
is equal to 3.0 m 
(A) + 0.60 m 
(B) + 0.70 m 
(C) + 0.90 m 
(D) + 1.50 m 
Answer: Option B 
Question No. 311
The convexity provided to the carriageway between the crown and edge of the pavement, is 
known as 
(A) Super-elevation 
(B) Camber 
(C) Height of the pavement 
(D) None of these 
Answer: Option B 
Question No. 312
If N is the algebraic difference of grades, S is the minimum sight distance in metres, the length (L) 
of a summit curve is 
(A) NS/4 
(B) NS²/4 
(C) N²S/4
(D) (NS)²/4 
Answer: Option B 
Question No. 313
If the elevations along a road increase, the slope of the road along the longitudinal direction, is 
known as 
(A) Gradient 
(B) Grade 
(C) Positive grade 
(D) Negative grade 
Answer: Option A 
Question No. 314
Cement grouted pavement is classified as 
(A) Rigid pavement 
(B) Semi-rigid pavement 
(C) Flexible pavement 
(D) None of these 
Answer: Option B 
Question No. 315
Non-passing sight distance along a road is the longest distance at which the driver of a moving 
vehicle, may see an obstacle on the pavement 
(A) 10 cm high 
(B) 25 cm high 
(C) 50 cm high 
(D) 100 cm high 
Answer: Option A 
Question No. 316
The perpendicular offset from the tan-get to the central point of the circular curve, is 
(A) R sin θ/2
(B) R cos θ/2
(C) R (1 - cos θ/2)
(D) R (1 - sin θ/2)
Answer: Option C 
Question No. 317
The width of pavement in addition to a gravelled berm 1 m on either side for a two directional 
traffic recommended by Nagpur Conference of Chief Engineers, is 
(A) 4.7 m 
(B) 5.7 m 
(C) 6.7 m 
(D) 7.7 m 
Answer: Option C
Question No. 318
Minimum stopping distance for moving vehicles on road with a design speed of 80 km/hour, is 
(A) 80 m 
(B) 100 m 
(C) 120 m 
(D) 150 m 
Answer: Option C 
Question No. 319
The top height of a route marker above crown level is 
(A) 1.50 m 
(B) 1.75 m 
(C) 2.00 m 
(D) 2.25 m 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 320
Along horizontal curves, if centrifugal force exceeds lateral friction, vehicles may 
(A) Skid 
(B) Slip 
(C) Not be affected 
(D) None of these 
Answer: Option A 
Question No. 321
Pick up the incorrect statement from the following. The super-elevation on roads is 
(A) Directly proportional to width of pavement 
(B) Directly proportional to velocity of vehicles 
(C) Inversely proportional to acceleration due to gravity 
(D) Inversely proportional to the radius of curvature 
Answer: Option B 
Question No. 322
For clear distinct vision, images of obstructions should fall on the retina with a cone of 
(A) 2° 
(B) 3° 
(C) 4° 
(D) 5° 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 323
The basic formula for determination of pavement thickness was first suggested by 
(A) Spangler 
(B) Picket 
(C) Kelly
(D) Goldbeck 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 324
If metres is the distance between extreme axles of a vehicle, its gross load should not exceed 
(A) 1525 (L + 4.3) - 14.7 L2
(B) 1526 (L + 5.3) - 14.7 L2
(C) 1525 (L + 6.3) - 14.7 L2
(D) 1525 (L + 7.3) - 14.7 L2
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 325
If x% is the gradient of an alignment and y% is the gradient after proper super-elevation along a 
curved portion of a highway, the differential grade along the curve, is 
(A) (x + y) % 
(B) (x - y) % 
(C) (y - x) % 
(D) (y + x) % 
Answer: Option C 
Question No. 326
If At
 is the area of steel cross-section, t is working stress, L is width of road and W is weight of slab 
per square metre, the spacing of the tie bars for a longitudinal joint, is 
(A) (100 At
 × t)/WL
(B) 100 At/tWL
(C) (100 WAt
 × t)/tL
(D) 100 WL/At
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 327
The shape of a vertical curve, is 
(A) Parabolic 
(B) Elliptical 
(C) Circular 
(D) Spiral 
Answer: Option A 
Question No. 328
If L is the length of the transition curves provided on either side of a circular curve of radius R, the 
maximum angle of deflection with tangent for the junctions of the transition curve and circular 
curve, is 
(A) L/R
(B) L/2R
(C) L/3R
(D) None of these
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 329
The inventor of road making as a building science, was 
(A) Sully 
(B) Tresguet 
(C) Telford 
(D) Macadam 
Answer: Option A 
Question No. 330
The desirable camber for straight roads with water bound macadam or gravel surface, is 
(A) 1 in 33 to 1 in 25 
(B) 1 in 40 to 1 in 33 
(C) 1 in 150 to 1 in 140 
(D) 1 in 160 to 1 in 140 
Answer: Option B 
Question No. 331
The pavement width of a road depends upon 
(A) Terrain 
(B) Type of traffic 
(C) Number of lanes 
(D) All the above 
Answer: Option C 
Question No. 332
At a road junction, 16 cross conflict points are severe, if 
(A) Both are one-way roads 
(B) Both are two-way roads 
(C) One is two-way road and other is one-way road 
(D) None of these 
Answer: Option B 
Question No. 333
Road makers along roads from the edge of a kerb should not be less than 
(A) 40 cm 
(B) 45 cm 
(C) 50 cm 
(D) 60 cm 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 334
In India the modes of transportation, in the order of their importance, are 
(A) Air transport, shipping, roads, railways
(B) Shipping, roads, railways, air transport 
(C) Roads, railways, air transport, shipping 
(D) Railways, roads, shipping, air transport 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 335
The absolute minimum sight distance required for stopping a vehicle moving with a speed of 80 
kmph, is 
(A) 120 m 
(B) 200 m 
(C) 640 m 
(D) None of these 
Answer: Option A 
Question No. 336
The usual width of side drains along Highways in hilly region, is 
(A) 50 cm 
(B) 60 cm 
(C) 70 cm 
(D) 100 cm 
Answer: Option B 
Question No. 337
Design of highways is based on 
(A) Axle loads 
(B) Axle spacings 
(C) Wheel bases 
(D) All the above 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 338
The width of the right of way in urban area, is kept between 24 m to 60 m for 
(A) National Highways 
(B) State Highways 
(C) Both (a) and (b) 
(D) None of these 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 339
Thickness of broken centre line markings for a four lane road, is generally kept 
(A) 10 cm 
(B) 12 cm 
(C) 15 cm 
(D) 18 cm 
Answer: Option C
Question No. 340
On the recommendations of Nagpur Conference, the minimum width of a village road may be 
(A) 2.45 m 
(B) 2.75 m 
(C) 3.66 m 
(D) 4.90 m 
Answer: Option A 
Question No. 341
If N is deviation angle the length L of a parabolic vertical curve for overtaking sight distance S, is 
(A) NS²/9.6 if L > S
(B) NS²/9.6 if L < S
(C) 2S - 9.6/N if L < S
(D) Both (A) and (C) 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 342
Maximum super-elevation on hill roads should not exceed 
(A) 5 % 
(B) 7 % 
(C) 8 % 
(D) 10 % 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 343
If R is the radius of a main curve and L is the length of the transition curve, the shift of the curve, is 
(A) L/24 R
(B) L2
/24 R
(C) L3
/24 R
(D) L4
/24 R
Answer: Option B 
Question No. 344
The length of the side of warning sign boards of roads is 
(A) 30 cm 
(B) 40 cm 
(C) 45 cm 
(D) 50 cm 
Answer: Option C 
Question No. 345
Minimum permissible speed on high speed roads, is decided on the basis of 
(A) 15 percentile cumulative frequency 
(B) 20 percentile cumulative frequency 
(C) 30 percentile cumulative frequency
(D) 40 percentile cumulative frequency 
Answer: Option A 
Question No. 346
For the administration of road transport, a Motor Vehicle Act was enacted in 
(A) 1927 
(B) 1934 
(C) 1939 
(D) 1947 
Answer: Option C 
Question No. 347
For maximum strength and durability minimum percentage of cement, by weight is 
(A) 15 % 
(B) 20 % 
(C) 25 % 
(D) 30 % 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 348
Stability of hill slopes depends upon 
(A) Nature of the slope 
(B) Angle of the slope 
(C) Geological conditions 
(D) All the above 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 349
The correct formula for calculating super-elevation for the hill roads, is 
(A) e = V²/254 R
(B) e = V²/225 R
(C) e = V²/278 R
(D) e = V²/114 R
Answer: Option B 
Question No. 350
Curves in the same direction separated by short tangents, are called 
(A) Simple circular curves 
(B) Compound curves 
(C) Transition curves 
(D) Broken-back curves 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 351
The minimum width of the pavement of a National Highway should be
(A) 4.7 m 
(B) 5.7 m 
(C) 6.7 m 
(D) 7.7 m 
Answer: Option B 
Question No. 352
On most smooth hard surfaced roads, rolling resistance to moving vehicles, ranges from 
(A) 5 kg to 7 kg/tonne 
(B) 7 kg to 9 kg/tonne 
(C) 9 kg to 11 kg/tonne 
(D) 11 kg to 13 kg/tonne 
Answer: Option C 
Question No. 353
Minimum radius of a simple circular curve deflecting through 5°, is 
(A) 1618.9 m 
(B) 1816.9 m 
(C) 1718.9 m 
(D) 1817.9 m 
Answer: Option C 
Question No. 354
Depth of reinforcement below the surface of a concrete pavement, is generally kept 
(A) 5 cm 
(B) 6 cm 
(C) 7 m 
(D) 9 m 
Answer: Option A 
Question No. 355
Degree of a road curve is defined as the angle in degrees subtended at the centre by an arc of 
(A) 10 metres 
(B) 20 metres 
(C) 25 metres 
(D) 30 metres 
Answer: Option B 
Question No. 356
Thickness of broken line markings on multi-lane road for lanes is generally kept 
(A) 10 cm 
(B) 12 cm 
(C) 15 cm 
(D) 18 cm 
Answer: Option A
Question No. 357
If V is the velocity in kmph, t
the stopping distance S of the vehicle, is 
(A) 0.28V²t + V/0.01 
(B) 0.28Vt + V²/0.1 
(C) 0.28Vt + 0.01 
(D) 0.28Vt + 0.01 V²/
Answer: Option C 
Question No. 358
If present A.D.T. is 5000 vehicles and annual increase is 10%, the average future flow after 5 years 
will be 
(A) 6050 vehicles 
(B) 7050 vehicles 
(C) 8050 vehicles 
(D) 9050 vehicles 
Answer: Option C 
Question No. 359
Pick up the correct statement from the following: 
(A) Detailed survey is carried out for a strip of land about 30 m at sharp curves 
(B) Levels are taken along the trace cut at an interval of 20 m 
(C) Contour interval is generally adopted at 2 metres vertical interval 
(D) All the above 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 360
The maximum radial distance of a Lemniscate curve, having maximum polar angle a, is 
(A) 3 R
(B) 3 R sin2
(C) 3 R
(D) 3 R
Answer: Option C 
Question No. 361
The minimum cross fall of shoulders is kept 
(A) 0.5 % 
(B) 1.0 % 
(C) 1.5 % 
(D) 3 % 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 362
The ratio of maximum deviation angle and maximum polar deflection angle of a Lemniscate curve, 
(A) 2 
(B) 3 
(C) 4 
(D) 5 
Answer: Option B 
Question No. 363
Roadway width for a National highways and State highways (two-lanes) is 
(A) 12 m 
(B) 9 m 
(C) 9.5 m 
(D) 15 m 
Answer: Option A

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