Highway Engineering objective question and answer - civilengineer friend


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Thursday, 9 September 2021

Highway Engineering objective question and answer

Highway Engineering objective question and answer Part 1

Highway Engineering Question No. 01 Group index method of design of flexible pavement is  (A) A theoretical method  (B) An empirical method based on physical properties of sub-grade soil  (C) An empirical method based on strength characteristics of sub-grade soil  (D) A semi empirical method  Answer: Option B  Question No. 02 Which of the following is considered to be the highest quality construction in the group of black  top pavements?  (A) Mastic asphalt  (B) Sheet asphalt  (C) Bituminous carpet  (D) Bituminous concrete  Answer: Option D  Question No. 03 Los Angeles testing machine is used to conduct  (A) Abrasion test  (B) Impact test  (C) Attrition test  (D) Crushing strength test  Answer: Option A  Question No. 04 When the width of car parking space and width of street are limited, generally preferred parking  system is  (A) Parallel parking  (B) 45° angle parking  (C) 65° angle parking  (D) 90° angle parking  Answer: Option A  Question No. 05 When the bituminous surfacing is done on already existing black top road or over existing cement  concrete road, the type of treatment given is  (A) Seal coat  (B) Tack coat  (C) Prime coat  (D) Spray of emulsion Answer: Option B  Question No. 06 In the penetration macadam construction, the bitumen is  (A) Sprayed after the aggregates are spread and compacted  (B) Premixed with aggregates and then spread  (C) Sprayed before the aggregates are spread and compacted  (D) None of the above  Answer: Option A  Question No. 07 The drain which is provided parallel to roadway to intercept and divert the water from hill slopes  is known as  (A) Sloping drain  (B) Catch-water drain  (C) Side drain  (D) Cross drain  Answer: Option B  Question No. 08 The function of an expansion joint in rigid pavements is to  (A) Relieve warping stresses  (B) Relieve shrinkage stresses  (C) Resist stresses due to expansion  (D) Allow free expansion  Answer: Option D  Question No. 09 Select the correct statement.  (A) More the value of group index, less thickness of pavement will be required  (B) More the value of CBR, greater thickness of pavement will be required  (C) Minimum and maximum values of group index can be 0 and 20 respectively  (D) All of the above  Answer: Option C  Question No. 10 Penetration test on bitumen is used for determining its  (A) Grade  (B) Viscosity  (C) Ductility  (D) Temperature susceptibility  Answer: Option A  Question No. 11 In soils having same values of plasticity index, if liquid limit is increased, then (A) Compressibility and permeability decrease and dry strength increases  (B) Compressibility, permeability and dry strength decrease  (C) Compressibility, permeability and dry strength increase  (D) Compressibility and permeability increase and dry strength decreases  Answer: Option D  Question No. 12 The maximum limit of water absorption for aggregate suitable for road construction is  (A) 0.4 %  (B) 0.6 %  (C) 0.8 %  (D) 1.0 %  Answer: Option B  Question No. 13 The critical combination of stresses for corner region in cement concrete roads is  (A) Load stress + warping stress frictional stress  (B) Load stress + warping stress + frictional stress  (C) Load stress + warping stress  (D) Load stress + frictional stress  Answer: Option C  Question No. 14 In highway construction, rolling starts from  (A) Sides and proceed to center  (B) Center and proceed to sides  (C) One side and proceed to other side  (D) Any of the above  Answer: Option A  Question No. 15 The most economical lighting layout which is suitable for narrow roads is  (A) Single side lighting  (B) Staggered system  (C) Central lighting system  (D) None of the above  Answer: Option A  Question No. 16 The ideal shape of a transition curve, is  (A) Clothoid  (B) Cubic spiral  (C) Cubic parabola  (D) Lamniscate  Answer: Option A Question No. 17 The full width of land acquired before finalising a highway, alignment is known  (A) Width of formation  (B) Right of way  (C) Carriage way  (D) Roadway  Answer: Option B  Question No. 18 Tyre pressure influences the  (A) Total depth of pavement  (B) Quality of surface course  (C) Both the above  (D) None of the above  Answer: Option B  Question No. 19 Any gradient on a road is said to be an exceptional gradient, if it is  (A) More than ruling gradient  (B) Less than average gradient  (C) More than floating gradient  (D) Less than minimum gradient or more than maximum gradient  Answer: Option D  Question No. 20 During last phase of the reconnaissance, details of the grade line is recorded on 2 metre poles to  indicate  (A) Direction of the proposed alignment  (B) Distance between the previous and forward pegs  (C) Relative elevations of pegs  (D) All the above  Answer: Option D  Question No. 21 The most suitable equipment for compacting clayey soils is a  (A) Smooth wheeled roller  (B) Pneumatic tyred roller  (C) Sheep foot roller  (D) Vibrator  Answer: Option C  Question No. 22 Pick up the correct statement from the following:  (A) Seasonal cycle of traffic volume during April and November, is usually near the annual  average (B) Mid-winter seasonal cycle of traffic is least  (C) Mid-summer seasonal cycle of traffic is highest  (D) All the above  Answer: Option D  Question No. 23 Three points A, B and C 500 m apart on a straight road have 500 m, 505 m and 510 m as their  reduced levels. The road is said to have  (A) No gradient between A and C (B) A positive gradient between A and C (C) A negative gradient between A and C (D) A negative gradient between A and B Answer: Option D  Question No. 24 Select the correct statement.  (A) Quantity of binder required for tack coat is less than that required for prime coat  (B) Prime coat treatment is given for plugging the voids in water bound macadam during  bituminous road construction  (C) Seal coat is the final coat over certain previous bituminous pavements  (D) A bitumen primer is a high viscosity cutback  Answer: Option D  Question No. 25 The minimum design speed of various types of highways in plain terrain is the same as the ruling  design speed of  (A) Rolling terrain  (B) Mountainous terrain  (C) Steep terrain  (D) None of these  Answer: Option A  Question No. 26 Excessive camber on pavements may cause  (A) Deterioration of central portion  (B) Slip of the speedy vehicles towards the edges  (C) Erosion of the berms  (D) All the above  Answer: Option D  Question No. 27 In hill roads the side drains arc provided  (A) Only on the hill side of road  (B) Only on the opposite side of hill  (C) On both sides of road (D) None of the above  Answer: Option A  Question No. 28 Selection of the routes, of highways depends upon  (A) Feasibility of attaining ruling gradient  (B) Avoidance of cutting hard rocks  (C) Minimum number of bridges  (D) All the above  Answer: Option D  Question No. 29 Maximum number of vehicles that can pass a given point on a lane during one hour without  creating unreasonable delay, is known as  (A) Traffic density of lane  (B) Basic capacity of lane  (C) Probable capacity of lane  (D) Practical capacity of lane  Answer: Option D  Question No. 30 A traffic rotary is justified where  (A) Number of intersecting roads is between 4 and 7  (B) Space is limited and costly  (C) When traffic volume is less than 500 vehicles per hour  (D) When traffic volume is more than 5000 vehicles per hour  Answer: Option A  Question No. 31 Pick up the correct statement from the following:  (A) Minimum desirable width of medians on rural highways is 5 metres  (B) Minimum width of medians should be 3 metres  (C) On long bridges and viaducts, the width of medians should be 1.5 m  (D) All the above  Answer: Option D  Question No. 32 Pick up the correct statement from the following:  (A) The cross fall of the shoulder should be at least 0.5% steeper than camber  (B) On super-elevated sections, the shoulders should be provided a cross fall equal to camber  (C) Earthen roads in general are provided steepest cross-fall  (D) All the above  Answer: Option D Question No. 33 If aggregate impact value is 20 to 30 percent, then it is classified as  (A) Exceptionally strong  (B) Strong  (C) Satisfactory for road surfacing  (D) Unsuitable for road surfacing  Answer: Option C  Question No. 34 Design of horizontal curves on highways, is based on  (A) Design speed of vehicles  (B) Permissible friction on the road surface  (C) Permissible centrifugal ratio  (D) All the above  Answer: Option D  Question No. 35 Set-back distance is the distance between  (A) Road land boundary and building line  (B) Road land boundary and control line  (C) Building line and control line  (D) Road land boundary and control line  Answer: Option A  Question No. 36 RC-2, MC-2 and SC-2 correspond to  (A) Same viscosity  (B) Viscosity in increasing order from RC-2 to SC-2  (C) Viscosity in decreasing order from RC-2 to SC-2  (D) None of the above  Answer: Option A  Question No. 37 Speed regulations on roads is decided on the basis of  (A) 60 percentile cumulative frequency  (B) 75 percentile cumulative frequency  (C) 80 percentile cumulative frequency  (D) 85 percentile cumulative frequency  Answer: Option D  Question No. 38 At intersection of roads, the traffic volume study is carried out to ascertain the number of vehicles  (A) Moving along straights  (B) Turning left  (C) Turning right (D) All the above  Answer: Option D  Question No. 39 Flexible pavement distribute the wheel load  (A) Directly to sub-grade  (B) Through structural action  (C) Through a set of layers to the sub-grade  (D) None of the above  Answer: Option C  Question No. 40 The most commonly adopted method to provide super-elevation on roads, is by pivoting the road  surface about  (A) Outer edge so that the inner edge is lowered  (B) Crown so that outer edge is raised and inner edge is lowered  (C) Inner edge so that outer edge is raised  (D) None of these  Answer: Option C  Question No. 41 When load is applied on concrete pavement  (A) Away from edges, the maximum bending moment is negative  (B) Away from edges, the maximum bending moment cause compression  (C) On the edges, the maximum stress is parallel to the edge of the slab  (D) None of these  Answer: Option C  Question No. 42 The fundamental factor in the selection of pavement type is  (A) Climatic condition  (B) Type and intensity of traffic  (C) Sub-grade soil and drainage conditions  (D) Availability of funds for the construction project  Answer: Option B  Question No. 43 If the coefficient of friction on the road surface is 0.15 and a maximum super-elevation 1 in 15 is  provided, the maximum speed of the vehicles on a curve of 100 metre radius, is  (A) 32.44 km/hour  (B) 42.44 kg/hour  (C) 52.44 km/hour  (D) 62.44 km/hour  Answer: Option C Question No. 44 Pick up the correct statement from the following:  (A) Various geometric design features and generally guided by ruling design speed  (B) The design speed for a given highway should preferably be uniform  (C) Abrupt change in the design speed should not be permitted  (D) All the above  Answer: Option D  Question No. 45 For the construction of water bound macadam roads, the correct sequence of operations after  spreading coarse aggregates is  (A) Dry rolling, wet rolling, application of screening and application of filler  (B) Dry rolling, application of filler, wet rolling and application of screening  (C) Dry rolling, application of screening, wet rolling and application of filler  (D) Dry rolling, application of screening, application of filler and wet rolling  Answer: Option C  Question No. 46 In case of a multi-lane road, overtaking is generally permitted  (A) From right  (B) From left  (C) From both sides right and left  (D) Not at all  Answer: Option C  Question No. 47 If degree of a road curve is defined by assuming the standard length of an arc as 30 metres, the  radius of 1° curve is equal  (A) 1719 m  (B) 1146 m  (C) 1046 m  (D) 1619 m  Answer: Option A  Question No. 48 The walls which are necessary on the hill side of roadway where earth has to be retained from  slipping is known as  (A) Retaining wall  (B) Breast wall  (C) Parapet wall  (D) None of the above  Answer: Option B  Question No. 49 If cross slope of a country is greater than 60%, the terrain is classified as (A) Rolling  (B) Mountainous  (C) Steep  (D) Plain  Answer: Option C  Question No. 50 The length of a transition curve, is governed by  (A) Rate of change of radial acceleration  (B) Rate of change of super-elevation  (C) Both (a) and (b)  (D) Neither (a) nor (b)  Answer: Option C  Question No. 51 When a number of roads are meeting at a point and only one of the roads is important, then the  suitable shape of rotary is  (A) Circular  (B) Tangent  (C) Elliptical  (D) Turbine  Answer: Option B  Question No. 52 A gradient along which the vehicle does not require any tractive effort to maintain a specified  speed, is known as  (A) Ruling gradient  (B) Pushing gradient  (C) Floating gradient  (D) Minimum gradient  Answer: Option C  Question No. 53 In welded wire mesh, the longitudinal wire is placed at  (A) 10 cm centres  (B) 15 cm centres  (C) 20 cm centres  (D) 25 cm centres  Answer: Option B  Question No. 54 Percentage of free carbon in bitumen is  (A) More than that in tar  (B) Less than that in tar  (C) Equal to that in tar (D) None of the above  Answer: Option B  Question No. 55 Pavement is said to be flexible if it contains  (A) Water bound macadam surface  (B) Stabilised soil base constructed of lime cement or tar  (C) Bitumen-bound stone layer of varying aggregates  (D) All the above  Answer: Option D  Question No. 56 Hill roads are  (A) Provided camber along spur curves  (B) Provided camber along valley curves  (C) Seldom provided a camber  (D) None of these  Answer: Option C  Question No. 57 The method of design of flexible pavement as recommended by IRC is  (A) Group index method  (B) CBR method  (C) Westergaard method  (D) Benkelman beam method  Answer: Option B  Question No. 58 A district road with a bituminous pavement has a horizontal curve of 1000 m for a design speed of  75 km ph. The super-elevation is  (A) 1 in 40  (B) 1 in 50  (C) 1 in 60  (D) 1 in 70  Answer: Option A  Question No. 59 The head of public works department of any Indian state, is  (A) Transport Minister  (B) Chief Engineer  (C) Superintending Engineer  (D) Executive Engineer  Answer: Option B Question No. 60 Tie bars in cement concrete pavements are at  (A) Expansion joints  (B) Contraction joints  (C) Warping joints  (D) Longitudinal joints  Answer: Option D  Question No. 61 As per recommendations of I.R.C., traffic volume study is carried out for rural roads for 7 days  continuously during  (A) Harvesting  (B) Lean season  (C) Harvesting and lean season  (D) None of these  Answer: Option C  Question No. 62 Formation width of a hill road is the distance between  (A) Outer end of side drain to outer end of parapet wall  (B) Outer end of side drain to inner end of parapet wall  (C) Inner end of side drain to outer end of parapet wall  (D) Inner end of side drain to inner end of parapet wall  Answer: Option A  Question No. 63 The camber of shoulders in water bound macadam roads is  (A) Equal to the cross slope of pavement  (B) Less than the cross slope of pavement  (C) Greater than the cross slope of pavement  (D) Zero  Answer: Option A  Question No. 64 Traffic surveys are carried out  (A) To know the type of traffic  (B) To determine the facilities to traffic regulations  (C) To design proper drainage system  (D) All the above  Answer: Option D  Question No. 65 The difference in gradients after full super-elevation and the initial alignment of a road, is known  as  (A) Ruling gradient (B) Rising gradient  (C) Compensated gradient  (D) Differential gradient  Answer: Option D  Question No. 66 The camber for hill roads in case of bituminous surfacing is adopted as  (A) 2 %  (B) 2.5 %  (C) 3 %  (D) 4 %  Answer: Option B  Question No. 67 If C is basic capacity per lane, V is velocity in km/hour, S is stopping distance plus length of the  vehicles in metres, the formula C = 1000V/S is applicable to  (A) District roads  (B) Two lane roads  (C) Two lane roads in one direction  (D) None of these  Answer: Option C  Question No. 68 To prevent movement of moisture from sub-grade to road pavement on embankments about 0.6  m to 1 m higher than water table, the thickness of cut off layer of coarse sand used, is  (A) 15 cm  (B) 20 cm  (C) 30 cm  (D) None of these  Answer: Option D  Question No. 69 The direct interchange ramp involves  (A) Diverging to the right side and merging from left  (B) Diverging to the left side and merging from right  (C) Diverging to the right side and merging from right  (D) Diverging to the left side and merging from left  Answer: Option C  Question No. 70 Design of flexible pavements is based on  (A) Mathematical analysis  (B) Empirical formulae  (C) A compromise of pure theory and pure empirical formula  (D) None of these Answer: Option C  Question No. 71 The total value of extra widening required at a horizontal curve on a two lane hill road of radius 42  m for a design speed of 50 kmph and for vehicles with wheel base 6 m, is  (A) 0.500 m  (B) 0.589 m  (C) 1.089 m  (D) 0.089 m  Answer: Option C  Question No. 72 Which of the following represents hardest grade of bitumen?  (A) 30/40  (B) 60/70  (C) 80/100  (D) 100/120  Answer: Option A  Question No. 73 The weight of vehicles affects  (A) Pavement thickness  (B) Ruling gradient  (C) Limiting gradient  (D) All the above  Answer: Option D  Question No. 74 Pick up the correct statement from the following:  (A) The height of head light above road surface, is taken as 0.75 m  (B) The beam of head light is up to one degree upwards from the grade of road  (C) While designing the valley curve, the height of the object is assumed nil  (D) All the above  Answer: Option D  Question No. 75 The number of repetitions, which the pavement thickness designed for a given wheel load should  be able to support during the life pavement is  (A) 1000  (B) 10,000  (C) 1,00,000  (D) 10,00,000  Answer: Option D  Question No. 76 According to the recommendations of Nagpur Conference, the width formation of an ideal  National Highway in hard rock cutting, is  (A) 8.9 m  (B) 7.9 m  (C) 6.9 m  (D) 6.5 m  Answer: Option B  Question No. 77 Setting out of Lemniscate transition curves, is done with  (A) Perpendicular offsets  (B) Radial offsets  (C) Deflection angles  (D) Polar deflection angles  Answer: Option D  Question No. 78 Maximum daily traffic capacity of bituminous pavements is  (A) 500 tonnes per day  (B) 1000 tonnes per day  (C) 1500 tonnes per day  (D) 2000 tonnes per day  Answer: Option C  Question No. 79 The head light of vehicles should be such that its lower beam illuminates objects at  (A) 10 m  (B) 20 m  (C) 30 m  (D) 40 m  Answer: Option C  Question No. 80 The gradients of trace cuts for hilly roads, are kept  (A) Equal to ruling gradient  (B) 10 to 20 per cent easier than ruling gradients  (C) 10 to 20 per cent steeper than ruling gradients  (D) None of these  Answer: Option B  Question No. 81 Which of the following represents a carpet of sand-bitumen mix without coarse aggregates?  (A) Mastic asphalt  (B) Sheet asphalt (C) Bituminous carpet  (D) Bituminous concrete  Answer: Option B  Question No. 82 Reinforcement in cement concrete slab of road pavements, is placed  (A) Longitudinally  (B) Transversely  (C) Longitudinally and transversely  (D) In the form of welded wire mesh  Answer: Option D  Question No. 83 The ability of a driver to stop the vehicle moving with the designed speed, depends upon:  (A) Perception time  (B) Brake reaction time  (C) Efficiency of the brakes  (D) All the above  Answer: Option D  Question No. 84 Maximum number of vehicles can be parked with  (A) Parallel parking  (B) 30° angle parking  (C) 45° angle parking  (D) 90° angle parking  Answer: Option D  Question No. 85 On concrete roads, the camber generally provided, is  (A) 1 in 20 to 1 in 24  (B) 1 in 30 to 1 in 48  (C) 1 in 36 to 1 in 48  (D) 1 in 60 to 1 in 72  Answer: Option D  Question No. 86 If d is the economic designed depth of a slab, the thickness of the cement concrete pavement slab  at interior, is kept  (A) 1.275 d (B) 1.125 d (C) 0.85 d (D) 0.75 d Answer: Option C Question No. 87 The ductility value of bitumen for suitability in road construction should not be less than  (A) 30 cm  (B) 40 cm  (C) 50 cm  (D) 60 cm  Answer: Option C  Question No. 88 If L is the length of a moving vehicle and R is the radius of curve, the extra mechanical width b to  be provided on horizontal curves,  (A) L/R (B) L/2R (C) L²/2R (D) L/3R Answer: Option C  Question No. 89 Interior thickness of concrete road slab for design wheel load 6300 kg and permissible flexural  stress 21 kg/cm2 , is  (A) 17.0 cm  (B) 25.5 cm  (C) 34.0 cm  (D) 42.5 cm  Answer: Option B  Question No. 90 For rapid curing cutbacks, the oil used is  (A) Gasoline  (B) Kerosene oil  (C) Light diesel  (D) Heavy diesel  Answer: Option A  Question No. 91 The width of different roads as recommended in Nagpur plan by the Indian Road Conference for  hilly region, is  (A) Same for National Highways  (B) Different for National Highways  (C) Same for State Highways  (D) Same for Major District roads  Answer: Option B  Question No. 92 To prevent a head-on-collision of vehicles travelling in opposite directions along four-lane roads (A) Markings on the road are provided  (B) Physical dividers are provided  (C) Area dividers are provided  (D) Medians of wide area are provided  Answer: Option D  Question No. 93 The maximum thickness of expansion joint in rigid pavements is  (A) 0  (B) 25 mm  (C) 50 mm  (D) 100 mm  Answer: Option B  Question No. 94 Length of vehicles does not affect  (A) Extra widening  (B) Minimum radius of turning  (C) Passing sight distance  (D) Width of shoulders  Answer: Option D  Question No. 95 The type of curves generally provided on highways, is  (A) Critical curve  (B) Transition curve  (C) Vertical curve  (D) All the above  Answer: Option D  Question No. 96 The thickness of bituminous carpet varies from  (A) 20 to 25 mm  (B) 50 to 75 mm  (C) 75 to 100 mm  (D) 100 to 120 mm  Answer: Option A  Question No. 97 The advantage of providing super-elevation on roads, is  (A) Higher speed of vehicles  (B) Increased volume of traffic  (C) Reduced maintenance cost of the roads  (D) All the above  Answer: Option D Question No. 98 Gradient resistance of moving vehicles along down slopes, is  (A) + 7 kg/tonne  (B) + 9 kg/tonne  (C) - 9 kg/tonne  (D) - 7 kg/tonne  Answer: Option C  Question No. 99 As per IRC recommendations, the average level of illumination on important roads carrying fast  traffic is  (A) 10 Lux  (B) 15 Lux  (C) 20 Lux  (D) 30 Lux  Answer: Option D  Question No. 100 Camber in pavements is provided by  (A) Straight line method  (B) Parabola method  (C) Straight at the edges and parabolic at the crown  (D) All the above  Answer: Option D

Highway Engineering
Question No. 01
Group index method of design of flexible pavement is 
(A) A theoretical method 
(B) An empirical method based on physical properties of sub-grade soil 
(C) An empirical method based on strength characteristics of sub-grade soil 
(D) A semi empirical method 
Answer: Option B 
Question No. 02
Which of the following is considered to be the highest quality construction in the group of black 
top pavements? 
(A) Mastic asphalt 
(B) Sheet asphalt 
(C) Bituminous carpet 
(D) Bituminous concrete 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 03
Los Angeles testing machine is used to conduct 
(A) Abrasion test 
(B) Impact test 
(C) Attrition test 
(D) Crushing strength test 
Answer: Option A 
Question No. 04
When the width of car parking space and width of street are limited, generally preferred parking 
system is 
(A) Parallel parking 
(B) 45° angle parking 
(C) 65° angle parking 
(D) 90° angle parking 
Answer: Option A 
Question No. 05
When the bituminous surfacing is done on already existing black top road or over existing cement 
concrete road, the type of treatment given is 
(A) Seal coat 
(B) Tack coat 
(C) Prime coat 
(D) Spray of emulsion
Answer: Option B 
Question No. 06
In the penetration macadam construction, the bitumen is 
(A) Sprayed after the aggregates are spread and compacted 
(B) Premixed with aggregates and then spread 
(C) Sprayed before the aggregates are spread and compacted 
(D) None of the above 
Answer: Option A 
Question No. 07
The drain which is provided parallel to roadway to intercept and divert the water from hill slopes 
is known as 
(A) Sloping drain 
(B) Catch-water drain 
(C) Side drain 
(D) Cross drain 
Answer: Option B 
Question No. 08
The function of an expansion joint in rigid pavements is to 
(A) Relieve warping stresses 
(B) Relieve shrinkage stresses 
(C) Resist stresses due to expansion 
(D) Allow free expansion 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 09
Select the correct statement. 
(A) More the value of group index, less thickness of pavement will be required 
(B) More the value of CBR, greater thickness of pavement will be required 
(C) Minimum and maximum values of group index can be 0 and 20 respectively 
(D) All of the above 
Answer: Option C 
Question No. 10
Penetration test on bitumen is used for determining its 
(A) Grade 
(B) Viscosity 
(C) Ductility 
(D) Temperature susceptibility 
Answer: Option A 
Question No. 11
In soils having same values of plasticity index, if liquid limit is increased, then
(A) Compressibility and permeability decrease and dry strength increases 
(B) Compressibility, permeability and dry strength decrease 
(C) Compressibility, permeability and dry strength increase 
(D) Compressibility and permeability increase and dry strength decreases 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 12
The maximum limit of water absorption for aggregate suitable for road construction is 
(A) 0.4 % 
(B) 0.6 % 
(C) 0.8 % 
(D) 1.0 % 
Answer: Option B 
Question No. 13
The critical combination of stresses for corner region in cement concrete roads is 
(A) Load stress + warping stress frictional stress 
(B) Load stress + warping stress + frictional stress 
(C) Load stress + warping stress 
(D) Load stress + frictional stress 
Answer: Option C 
Question No. 14
In highway construction, rolling starts from 
(A) Sides and proceed to center 
(B) Center and proceed to sides 
(C) One side and proceed to other side 
(D) Any of the above 
Answer: Option A 
Question No. 15
The most economical lighting layout which is suitable for narrow roads is 
(A) Single side lighting 
(B) Staggered system 
(C) Central lighting system 
(D) None of the above 
Answer: Option A 
Question No. 16
The ideal shape of a transition curve, is 
(A) Clothoid 
(B) Cubic spiral 
(C) Cubic parabola 
(D) Lamniscate 
Answer: Option A
Question No. 17
The full width of land acquired before finalising a highway, alignment is known 
(A) Width of formation 
(B) Right of way 
(C) Carriage way 
(D) Roadway 
Answer: Option B 
Question No. 18
Tyre pressure influences the 
(A) Total depth of pavement 
(B) Quality of surface course 
(C) Both the above 
(D) None of the above 
Answer: Option B 
Question No. 19
Any gradient on a road is said to be an exceptional gradient, if it is 
(A) More than ruling gradient 
(B) Less than average gradient 
(C) More than floating gradient 
(D) Less than minimum gradient or more than maximum gradient 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 20
During last phase of the reconnaissance, details of the grade line is recorded on 2 metre poles to 
(A) Direction of the proposed alignment 
(B) Distance between the previous and forward pegs 
(C) Relative elevations of pegs 
(D) All the above 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 21
The most suitable equipment for compacting clayey soils is a 
(A) Smooth wheeled roller 
(B) Pneumatic tyred roller 
(C) Sheep foot roller 
(D) Vibrator 
Answer: Option C 
Question No. 22
Pick up the correct statement from the following: 
(A) Seasonal cycle of traffic volume during April and November, is usually near the annual 
(B) Mid-winter seasonal cycle of traffic is least 
(C) Mid-summer seasonal cycle of traffic is highest 
(D) All the above 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 23
Three points A, B and C 500 m apart on a straight road have 500 m, 505 m and 510 m as their 
reduced levels. The road is said to have 
(A) No gradient between A and C
(B) A positive gradient between A and C
(C) A negative gradient between A and C
(D) A negative gradient between A and B
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 24
Select the correct statement. 
(A) Quantity of binder required for tack coat is less than that required for prime coat 
(B) Prime coat treatment is given for plugging the voids in water bound macadam during 
bituminous road construction 
(C) Seal coat is the final coat over certain previous bituminous pavements 
(D) A bitumen primer is a high viscosity cutback 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 25
The minimum design speed of various types of highways in plain terrain is the same as the ruling 
design speed of 
(A) Rolling terrain 
(B) Mountainous terrain 
(C) Steep terrain 
(D) None of these 
Answer: Option A 
Question No. 26
Excessive camber on pavements may cause 
(A) Deterioration of central portion 
(B) Slip of the speedy vehicles towards the edges 
(C) Erosion of the berms 
(D) All the above 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 27
In hill roads the side drains arc provided 
(A) Only on the hill side of road 
(B) Only on the opposite side of hill 
(C) On both sides of road
(D) None of the above 
Answer: Option A 
Question No. 28
Selection of the routes, of highways depends upon 
(A) Feasibility of attaining ruling gradient 
(B) Avoidance of cutting hard rocks 
(C) Minimum number of bridges 
(D) All the above 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 29
Maximum number of vehicles that can pass a given point on a lane during one hour without 
creating unreasonable delay, is known as 
(A) Traffic density of lane 
(B) Basic capacity of lane 
(C) Probable capacity of lane 
(D) Practical capacity of lane 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 30
A traffic rotary is justified where 
(A) Number of intersecting roads is between 4 and 7 
(B) Space is limited and costly 
(C) When traffic volume is less than 500 vehicles per hour 
(D) When traffic volume is more than 5000 vehicles per hour 
Answer: Option A 
Question No. 31
Pick up the correct statement from the following: 
(A) Minimum desirable width of medians on rural highways is 5 metres 
(B) Minimum width of medians should be 3 metres 
(C) On long bridges and viaducts, the width of medians should be 1.5 m 
(D) All the above 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 32
Pick up the correct statement from the following: 
(A) The cross fall of the shoulder should be at least 0.5% steeper than camber 
(B) On super-elevated sections, the shoulders should be provided a cross fall equal to camber 
(C) Earthen roads in general are provided steepest cross-fall 
(D) All the above 
Answer: Option D
Question No. 33
If aggregate impact value is 20 to 30 percent, then it is classified as 
(A) Exceptionally strong 
(B) Strong 
(C) Satisfactory for road surfacing 
(D) Unsuitable for road surfacing 
Answer: Option C 
Question No. 34
Design of horizontal curves on highways, is based on 
(A) Design speed of vehicles 
(B) Permissible friction on the road surface 
(C) Permissible centrifugal ratio 
(D) All the above 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 35
Set-back distance is the distance between 
(A) Road land boundary and building line 
(B) Road land boundary and control line 
(C) Building line and control line 
(D) Road land boundary and control line 
Answer: Option A 
Question No. 36
RC-2, MC-2 and SC-2 correspond to 
(A) Same viscosity 
(B) Viscosity in increasing order from RC-2 to SC-2 
(C) Viscosity in decreasing order from RC-2 to SC-2 
(D) None of the above 
Answer: Option A 
Question No. 37
Speed regulations on roads is decided on the basis of 
(A) 60 percentile cumulative frequency 
(B) 75 percentile cumulative frequency 
(C) 80 percentile cumulative frequency 
(D) 85 percentile cumulative frequency 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 38
At intersection of roads, the traffic volume study is carried out to ascertain the number of vehicles 
(A) Moving along straights 
(B) Turning left 
(C) Turning right
(D) All the above 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 39
Flexible pavement distribute the wheel load 
(A) Directly to sub-grade 
(B) Through structural action 
(C) Through a set of layers to the sub-grade 
(D) None of the above 
Answer: Option C 
Question No. 40
The most commonly adopted method to provide super-elevation on roads, is by pivoting the road 
surface about 
(A) Outer edge so that the inner edge is lowered 
(B) Crown so that outer edge is raised and inner edge is lowered 
(C) Inner edge so that outer edge is raised 
(D) None of these 
Answer: Option C 
Question No. 41
When load is applied on concrete pavement 
(A) Away from edges, the maximum bending moment is negative 
(B) Away from edges, the maximum bending moment cause compression 
(C) On the edges, the maximum stress is parallel to the edge of the slab 
(D) None of these 
Answer: Option C 
Question No. 42
The fundamental factor in the selection of pavement type is 
(A) Climatic condition 
(B) Type and intensity of traffic 
(C) Sub-grade soil and drainage conditions 
(D) Availability of funds for the construction project 
Answer: Option B 
Question No. 43
If the coefficient of friction on the road surface is 0.15 and a maximum super-elevation 1 in 15 is 
provided, the maximum speed of the vehicles on a curve of 100 metre radius, is 
(A) 32.44 km/hour 
(B) 42.44 kg/hour 
(C) 52.44 km/hour 
(D) 62.44 km/hour 
Answer: Option C
Question No. 44
Pick up the correct statement from the following: 
(A) Various geometric design features and generally guided by ruling design speed 
(B) The design speed for a given highway should preferably be uniform 
(C) Abrupt change in the design speed should not be permitted 
(D) All the above 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 45
For the construction of water bound macadam roads, the correct sequence of operations after 
spreading coarse aggregates is 
(A) Dry rolling, wet rolling, application of screening and application of filler 
(B) Dry rolling, application of filler, wet rolling and application of screening 
(C) Dry rolling, application of screening, wet rolling and application of filler 
(D) Dry rolling, application of screening, application of filler and wet rolling 
Answer: Option C 
Question No. 46
In case of a multi-lane road, overtaking is generally permitted 
(A) From right 
(B) From left 
(C) From both sides right and left 
(D) Not at all 
Answer: Option C 
Question No. 47
If degree of a road curve is defined by assuming the standard length of an arc as 30 metres, the 
radius of 1° curve is equal 
(A) 1719 m 
(B) 1146 m 
(C) 1046 m 
(D) 1619 m 
Answer: Option A 
Question No. 48
The walls which are necessary on the hill side of roadway where earth has to be retained from 
slipping is known as 
(A) Retaining wall 
(B) Breast wall 
(C) Parapet wall 
(D) None of the above 
Answer: Option B 
Question No. 49
If cross slope of a country is greater than 60%, the terrain is classified as
(A) Rolling 
(B) Mountainous 
(C) Steep 
(D) Plain 
Answer: Option C 
Question No. 50
The length of a transition curve, is governed by 
(A) Rate of change of radial acceleration 
(B) Rate of change of super-elevation 
(C) Both (a) and (b) 
(D) Neither (a) nor (b) 
Answer: Option C 
Question No. 51
When a number of roads are meeting at a point and only one of the roads is important, then the 
suitable shape of rotary is 
(A) Circular 
(B) Tangent 
(C) Elliptical 
(D) Turbine 
Answer: Option B 
Question No. 52
A gradient along which the vehicle does not require any tractive effort to maintain a specified 
speed, is known as 
(A) Ruling gradient 
(B) Pushing gradient 
(C) Floating gradient 
(D) Minimum gradient 
Answer: Option C 
Question No. 53
In welded wire mesh, the longitudinal wire is placed at 
(A) 10 cm centres 
(B) 15 cm centres 
(C) 20 cm centres 
(D) 25 cm centres 
Answer: Option B 
Question No. 54
Percentage of free carbon in bitumen is 
(A) More than that in tar 
(B) Less than that in tar 
(C) Equal to that in tar
(D) None of the above 
Answer: Option B 
Question No. 55
Pavement is said to be flexible if it contains 
(A) Water bound macadam surface 
(B) Stabilised soil base constructed of lime cement or tar 
(C) Bitumen-bound stone layer of varying aggregates 
(D) All the above 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 56
Hill roads are 
(A) Provided camber along spur curves 
(B) Provided camber along valley curves 
(C) Seldom provided a camber 
(D) None of these 
Answer: Option C 
Question No. 57
The method of design of flexible pavement as recommended by IRC is 
(A) Group index method 
(B) CBR method 
(C) Westergaard method 
(D) Benkelman beam method 
Answer: Option B 
Question No. 58
A district road with a bituminous pavement has a horizontal curve of 1000 m for a design speed of 
75 km ph. The super-elevation is 
(A) 1 in 40 
(B) 1 in 50 
(C) 1 in 60 
(D) 1 in 70 
Answer: Option A 
Question No. 59
The head of public works department of any Indian state, is 
(A) Transport Minister 
(B) Chief Engineer 
(C) Superintending Engineer 
(D) Executive Engineer 
Answer: Option B
Question No. 60
Tie bars in cement concrete pavements are at 
(A) Expansion joints 
(B) Contraction joints 
(C) Warping joints 
(D) Longitudinal joints 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 61
As per recommendations of I.R.C., traffic volume study is carried out for rural roads for 7 days 
continuously during 
(A) Harvesting 
(B) Lean season 
(C) Harvesting and lean season 
(D) None of these 
Answer: Option C 
Question No. 62
Formation width of a hill road is the distance between 
(A) Outer end of side drain to outer end of parapet wall 
(B) Outer end of side drain to inner end of parapet wall 
(C) Inner end of side drain to outer end of parapet wall 
(D) Inner end of side drain to inner end of parapet wall 
Answer: Option A 
Question No. 63
The camber of shoulders in water bound macadam roads is 
(A) Equal to the cross slope of pavement 
(B) Less than the cross slope of pavement 
(C) Greater than the cross slope of pavement 
(D) Zero 
Answer: Option A 
Question No. 64
Traffic surveys are carried out 
(A) To know the type of traffic 
(B) To determine the facilities to traffic regulations 
(C) To design proper drainage system 
(D) All the above 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 65
The difference in gradients after full super-elevation and the initial alignment of a road, is known 
(A) Ruling gradient
(B) Rising gradient 
(C) Compensated gradient 
(D) Differential gradient 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 66
The camber for hill roads in case of bituminous surfacing is adopted as 
(A) 2 % 
(B) 2.5 % 
(C) 3 % 
(D) 4 % 
Answer: Option B 
Question No. 67
If C is basic capacity per lane, V is velocity in km/hour, S is stopping distance plus length of the 
vehicles in metres, the formula C = 1000V/S is applicable to 
(A) District roads 
(B) Two lane roads 
(C) Two lane roads in one direction 
(D) None of these 
Answer: Option C 
Question No. 68
To prevent movement of moisture from sub-grade to road pavement on embankments about 0.6 
m to 1 m higher than water table, the thickness of cut off layer of coarse sand used, is 
(A) 15 cm 
(B) 20 cm 
(C) 30 cm 
(D) None of these 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 69
The direct interchange ramp involves 
(A) Diverging to the right side and merging from left 
(B) Diverging to the left side and merging from right 
(C) Diverging to the right side and merging from right 
(D) Diverging to the left side and merging from left 
Answer: Option C 
Question No. 70
Design of flexible pavements is based on 
(A) Mathematical analysis 
(B) Empirical formulae 
(C) A compromise of pure theory and pure empirical formula 
(D) None of these
Answer: Option C 
Question No. 71
The total value of extra widening required at a horizontal curve on a two lane hill road of radius 42 
m for a design speed of 50 kmph and for vehicles with wheel base 6 m, is 
(A) 0.500 m 
(B) 0.589 m 
(C) 1.089 m 
(D) 0.089 m 
Answer: Option C 
Question No. 72
Which of the following represents hardest grade of bitumen? 
(A) 30/40 
(B) 60/70 
(C) 80/100 
(D) 100/120 
Answer: Option A 
Question No. 73
The weight of vehicles affects 
(A) Pavement thickness 
(B) Ruling gradient 
(C) Limiting gradient 
(D) All the above 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 74
Pick up the correct statement from the following: 
(A) The height of head light above road surface, is taken as 0.75 m 
(B) The beam of head light is up to one degree upwards from the grade of road 
(C) While designing the valley curve, the height of the object is assumed nil 
(D) All the above 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 75
The number of repetitions, which the pavement thickness designed for a given wheel load should 
be able to support during the life pavement is 
(A) 1000 
(B) 10,000 
(C) 1,00,000 
(D) 10,00,000 
Answer: Option D

Question No. 76
According to the recommendations of Nagpur Conference, the width formation of an ideal 
National Highway in hard rock cutting, is 
(A) 8.9 m 
(B) 7.9 m 
(C) 6.9 m 
(D) 6.5 m 
Answer: Option B 
Question No. 77
Setting out of Lemniscate transition curves, is done with 
(A) Perpendicular offsets 
(B) Radial offsets 
(C) Deflection angles 
(D) Polar deflection angles 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 78
Maximum daily traffic capacity of bituminous pavements is 
(A) 500 tonnes per day 
(B) 1000 tonnes per day 
(C) 1500 tonnes per day 
(D) 2000 tonnes per day 
Answer: Option C 
Question No. 79
The head light of vehicles should be such that its lower beam illuminates objects at 
(A) 10 m 
(B) 20 m 
(C) 30 m 
(D) 40 m 
Answer: Option C 
Question No. 80
The gradients of trace cuts for hilly roads, are kept 
(A) Equal to ruling gradient 
(B) 10 to 20 per cent easier than ruling gradients 
(C) 10 to 20 per cent steeper than ruling gradients 
(D) None of these 
Answer: Option B 
Question No. 81
Which of the following represents a carpet of sand-bitumen mix without coarse aggregates? 
(A) Mastic asphalt 
(B) Sheet asphalt
(C) Bituminous carpet 
(D) Bituminous concrete 
Answer: Option B 
Question No. 82
Reinforcement in cement concrete slab of road pavements, is placed 
(A) Longitudinally 
(B) Transversely 
(C) Longitudinally and transversely 
(D) In the form of welded wire mesh 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 83
The ability of a driver to stop the vehicle moving with the designed speed, depends upon: 
(A) Perception time 
(B) Brake reaction time 
(C) Efficiency of the brakes 
(D) All the above 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 84
Maximum number of vehicles can be parked with 
(A) Parallel parking 
(B) 30° angle parking 
(C) 45° angle parking 
(D) 90° angle parking 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 85
On concrete roads, the camber generally provided, is 
(A) 1 in 20 to 1 in 24 
(B) 1 in 30 to 1 in 48 
(C) 1 in 36 to 1 in 48 
(D) 1 in 60 to 1 in 72 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 86
If d is the economic designed depth of a slab, the thickness of the cement concrete pavement slab 
at interior, is kept 
(A) 1.275 d
(B) 1.125 d
(C) 0.85 d
(D) 0.75 d
Answer: Option C
Question No. 87
The ductility value of bitumen for suitability in road construction should not be less than 
(A) 30 cm 
(B) 40 cm 
(C) 50 cm 
(D) 60 cm 
Answer: Option C 
Question No. 88
If L is the length of a moving vehicle and R is the radius of curve, the extra mechanical width b to 
be provided on horizontal curves, 
(A) L/R
(B) L/2R
(C) L²/2R
(D) L/3R
Answer: Option C 
Question No. 89
Interior thickness of concrete road slab for design wheel load 6300 kg and permissible flexural 
stress 21 kg/cm2
, is 
(A) 17.0 cm 
(B) 25.5 cm 
(C) 34.0 cm 
(D) 42.5 cm 
Answer: Option B 
Question No. 90
For rapid curing cutbacks, the oil used is 
(A) Gasoline 
(B) Kerosene oil 
(C) Light diesel 
(D) Heavy diesel 
Answer: Option A 
Question No. 91
The width of different roads as recommended in Nagpur plan by the Indian Road Conference for 
hilly region, is 
(A) Same for National Highways 
(B) Different for National Highways 
(C) Same for State Highways 
(D) Same for Major District roads 
Answer: Option B 
Question No. 92
To prevent a head-on-collision of vehicles travelling in opposite directions along four-lane roads
(A) Markings on the road are provided 
(B) Physical dividers are provided 
(C) Area dividers are provided 
(D) Medians of wide area are provided 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 93
The maximum thickness of expansion joint in rigid pavements is 
(A) 0 
(B) 25 mm 
(C) 50 mm 
(D) 100 mm 
Answer: Option B 
Question No. 94
Length of vehicles does not affect 
(A) Extra widening 
(B) Minimum radius of turning 
(C) Passing sight distance 
(D) Width of shoulders 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 95
The type of curves generally provided on highways, is 
(A) Critical curve 
(B) Transition curve 
(C) Vertical curve 
(D) All the above 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 96
The thickness of bituminous carpet varies from 
(A) 20 to 25 mm 
(B) 50 to 75 mm 
(C) 75 to 100 mm 
(D) 100 to 120 mm 
Answer: Option A 
Question No. 97
The advantage of providing super-elevation on roads, is 
(A) Higher speed of vehicles 
(B) Increased volume of traffic 
(C) Reduced maintenance cost of the roads 
(D) All the above 
Answer: Option D
Question No. 98
Gradient resistance of moving vehicles along down slopes, is 
(A) + 7 kg/tonne 
(B) + 9 kg/tonne 
(C) - 9 kg/tonne 
(D) - 7 kg/tonne 
Answer: Option C 
Question No. 99
As per IRC recommendations, the average level of illumination on important roads carrying fast 
traffic is 
(A) 10 Lux 
(B) 15 Lux 
(C) 20 Lux 
(D) 30 Lux 
Answer: Option D 
Question No. 100
Camber in pavements is provided by 
(A) Straight line method 
(B) Parabola method 
(C) Straight at the edges and parabolic at the crown 
(D) All the above 
Answer: Option D

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