Introduction to Design of RCC Structures - civilengineer friend


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Tuesday 21 May 2019

Introduction to Design of RCC Structures

Introduction to Design of RCC Structures

RCC structures

RCC (Reinforced Cement Concrete) is a construction technology which evolved with the evolution of different structural materials in the 18th century during the Industrial Revolution.
Introduction to Design of RCC Structures
Industrial Revolution brought in new technology which helped in the manufacture of various materials. The Architect Le Corbusier used RCC for various constructions. He believed that any shape and form was possible; if RCC is to be used.
What is RCC?

RCC means Reinforced Cement Concrete, i.e., cement concrete reinforced with steel bars, steel plates, steel mesh etc to increase the tension withstanding capacity of the structure.
Cement Concrete can take up immense compression but weak in tension whereas steel is good in withstanding both tension and compression.

Here are some of the advantages of RCC construction:

  1. Materials used in RCC construction are easily available.
  2. It is durable and long lasting.
  3. It is fire resisting and not attacked by termites.
  4. It is economical in ultimate cost.
  5. The reinforced concrete member can be cast to any shape because of the fluidity of concrete.
  6. Its monolithic character gives much rigidity to the structure.
  7. Cost of maintenance is nil.

Here are some of its disadvantages:

  1. Scrap value of reinforced members is almost nil.
  2. Constant checking is required.
  3. Skilled labour is engaged in the work.
  4. The advantages of RCC outweigh its disadvantages.
This is one construction technique that made construction very easy and brought a boom to the field of construction.

Components of RCC structures

We have already discussed and studied the design procedures for the “Components of RCC structures”.
Design of RCC beam 
Design of RCC columns
Design of RCC staircase
Design of Foundations
Design of Simply Supported Slabs
Every component is designed according to the load it carries and its position in the structure. The study of the design of RCC components will help in understanding the basics of RCC design and the method of its implementation.

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