SSC JE 2019 Question and Answers for Theodolite, Compass and Traverse Surveying - civilengineer friend


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Sunday 7 April 2019

SSC JE 2019 Question and Answers for Theodolite, Compass and Traverse Surveying

SSC JE 2019 Question and Answers for Theodolite, Compass and Traverse Surveying
SSC JE 2019 Question and Answers for Theodolite, Compass and Traverse Surveying

Civil engineering Objective paper topics previous year Solved Questions

here is the list of SSC JE previous year question paper with solutions. Download PDF to make preparation level smooth. If you are preparing for SSC JE 2018 exam, you need to look at last year’s question papers in order to understand the types of questions. Practising SSC JE question papers for respective exams mechanical, civil and electrical will empower your exam solving skills. Candidates who apply for the different branches of exams, need to go through the SSC JE syllabus and exam pattern in order to start preparation of important topics and most asked questions.
2.1 Detailed plotting in plane table surveying is generally done by Radiation [SSC-JE: 2012]
2.2 Theodolite is an instrument used for measurement of Both horizontal and vertical angles (SSC-JE:2012]
2.3 If the magnetic bearing of the Sun at a place at noon in southern hemisphere is 167°. the magnetic declination at that place is 13°W [SSC-JE:2012]
2.4 The angle between the prolongation of the preceding line and the forward line of a traverse is called Deflection angle (SSC-JE:2012]
2.5 If the end points of a line are free from local attraction, the difference between fore bearing and back bearing of that line should be 180° [SSC - JE 2012]
2.6 The fore bearing of line CD is 324°45' The back bearing of the line is 144°45' (SSC -JE :2012]
2.7 The principle of working of optical square is based on Double reflection [SSC-JE:2012]
2.8 Compute the angle between the lines AB and AC. if their respective bearings are 52°30' and 328°45' answer is 83°45' (SSC:JE:2013]
2.9 The whole circle bearing of a line is 281°15'.The reduced bearing of the line is  N 72°45' W [SSC:JE:2013]
2.10 The fore bearings of the lines AB and BC are 40° and 120° respectively. The included angle between AB and BC is 100° [SSC:JE:2013]
2.11 If the sum of northings of a traverse exceeds the sum of southings by 1m and sum of eastings exceeds the sum of westings by 1 m. the resultant closing error and its true bearing are respectively.√2m, N 45°E (SSC:JE:2013]
2.12 In a closed traverse, the sum of the north latitudes is more than the sum of the south latitudes and also the sum of west departures is more than the sum of east departures. The bearing of the closing line is in the NW quadrant [SSC : JE 2013]
Paper-I : Objective • Surveying
2.13 The angle between true meridian and the magnetic meridian the time of observation is knows as Magnetic declination (SSC:JE:2013]
2.14 Radiation, intersection and resection are Ptane table surveying techniques [SSC - JE (Forenoon) : 2014]
2.15 In the quadrantal bearing system, a whole circle bearing of 293° 30' can be expressed as: N 66°30'W [SSC - JE (Afternoon) : 2014]
2.16 The most accurate instrument for measuring horizontal and vertical angles is: Theodolite (SSC - JE (Afternoon) : 2014]
2.17 When the magnetic bearing of the sun at noon is 185°20', the magnetic declination will be 5°20'west (SSC .JE(Afternoon) :2014]
2.18 The correction for sag is: Always subtractrve (SSC - JE (Afternoon) :2014]
2.19 If whole circle bearing of a line is 210°0'00".its value in quadrantal bearing system is S30°O'O"W (SSC - E (Forenoon): 2014] 

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